[Infographic]: Millennials + Email, By the Numbers

Kristen Dunleavy


September 13, 2016

Millennials: They’re that enigmatic generation with countless [misconceptions](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/15/millennials-work-five-stereotypes-generation-y-jobs) that no one can quite get a handle on. But as it turns out, they’re not so complicated – in terms of their shopping habits, anyway.A [recent study](http://www.brightwave.com/millennials-email-infographic/) by BrightWave showed that millennials prefer email as the #1 way for brands to stay in touch with them. It makes sense: millennials (and just about everyone else) are constantly on the move these days, and email provide an easy way to stay connected. That’s probably why 49.3% of them say they love that they can check email whenever they want!Check out the full results of BrightWave’s study in the infographic below.[![](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog-production/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/07200915/Millenials-infographic.png)](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog-production/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/07200915/Millenials-infographic.png)_This infographic was originally posted on BrightWave. [Learn more here](http://www.brightwave.com/millennials-email-infographic/)._

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