Da Vinci

One Send. Infinite Personalization.

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Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Our Favorite Trending Chairs" discounted for 30%.Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Mid-Century Modern Flair Furniture".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Trending Chairs for You, Maya".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Our Favorite Trending Chairs".
Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Our Favorite Trending Chairs" discounted for 30%.Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Mid-Century Modern Flair Furniture".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Trending Chairs for You, Maya".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Our Favorite Trending Chairs".
Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Jon, We Thought You Might Like This".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Stylish Couches Await".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Our Gift to Patrick" with a unique armchair.Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Sarah, The People Have Spoken" with a Queensland Sectional.
Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Jon, We Thought You Might Like This".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Stylish Couches Await".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Our Gift to Patrick" with a unique armchair.Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Sarah, The People Have Spoken" with a Queensland Sectional.
Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Our Favorite Trending Chairs" discounted for 30%.Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Trending Chairs for You, Maya".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Stylish Couches Await".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Sarah, The People Have Spoken" with a Queensland Sectional.
Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Our Favorite Trending Chairs" discounted for 30%.Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Trending Chairs for You, Maya".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Stylish Couches Await".Image of personalized Da Vinci content. Showing "Sarah, The People Have Spoken" with a Queensland Sectional.

Batch to the Future

Movable Ink Da Vinci determines the most relevant content for each customer and continuously experiments to improve performance over time. The result? Stronger customer relationships and lift in clicks, conversions, and revenue.

The Most Renowned Brands Use Movable Ink

See What Our Customers Are Saying

Prioritize the Customer, Not the Campaign

AI Designed to Improve Batch Campaigns

Da Vinci utilizes an ensemble AI model approach—several models in conjunction and working together—designed to solve a specific marketing problem:  how to improve batch campaign performance.

Personalized Content for Every Email, Every Customer

With an understanding of a customer's preferences and a brand’s creative assets, Da Vinci determines the best content to display for each customer on every email sent

Work With, Not Against, Existing Solutions

AI vendors promise the world –but require you to rip and replace existing martech investments. Da Vinci takes a different approach, working seamlessly with existing ESP investments.

Movable Ink Da Vinci graphic showcasing creative proofs

Experiences that Drive Lift

Execute Multiple Business Objectives

Da Vinci adapts to each brand’s unique business objectives, whether it’s achieving short- and long-term conversions, increasing customer retention, driving average order value, and more.

File Health? We’ve Got That Covered

Rather than just reinforcing what customers already know and like, Da Vinci showcases products and content that deepen brand discovery,—driving more value from email lists and continuously adapting to awaken dormant subscribers

Performance for Today and Tomorrow

Da Vinci optimizes performance by showcasing content that customers already favor and making recommendations based on their unique tastes, preferences, and motivations— optimizing for both short-term clicks and building more loyal customers willing to spend across the product catalog.

Achieve Continuous Optimization

Automate A/B Testing

No more manual A/B tests. With Da Vinci’s always-on experimentation, hypothesis creation, hypothesis testing, and ongoing learning, optimization happens automatically.

Precisely Measured Impact

AI-powered sends always measure against a control group,  providing quantifiable measurements of the value of Da Vinci-powered batch programs.

In Sync with Customer Desires

Da Vinci monitors engagement with creative assets and adjusts when it recognizes that a customer’s preferences, lifestages, or needs change.

Da Vinci screen showing campaign performance data

Strategic Insights for the Entire Team

Track Creative Performance

Da Vinci uniquely provides insights into the performance of creative assets, so your team will know what’s most resonating with customers.

Uncover Audience-Level Insights

Self-service dashboards within Da Vinci enable marketers to analyze behaviors and creative preferences for key audiences to identify emerging trends.

Experiment Reporting

For brands running thousands of machine-generated experiments at scale, marketers can gain full access to performance data and compare results for every test.

Empowering Marketers with AI

Embrace New Workflows

Da Vinci modernizes and automates the email process, where marketers manage the creative library, add brand rules and parameters, and build layouts – AI does the rest!

Marketer and Machine

Marketers control every aspect of Da Vinci from planning, to modifying, to monitoring experiences, as well as defining guardrails for creative usage.

Become an AI Champion

With Da Vinci, marketers transition from tactical work to strategic roles, becoming change agents who drive innovative marketing programs.

Da Vinci screen showing layout builder and creative options.

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