The B2B Email Marketer’s Playbook

Amy Mullen


June 15, 2016

B2B marketers face a lot of unique challenges. There are longer and more complex sales cycles, as well as more decision makers to please. And once you get a customer, keeping them happy is another hurdle.Most B2B companies still turn to email to reach (and keep) customers. A recent survey from 2016 reports [nearly a third of B2B marketers say]( email has the biggest impact on revenue. And [81% of marketers list]( eNewsletters as a top ranking tactics, while [60% say]( eNewsletters are their most used tactic.But content creation remains a challenge. As a matter of fact, [60% of marketers say]( producing engaging content is their most difficult task.[Our new B2B Email Marketer’s Playbook]( was designed to show B2B marketers how to incorporate elements like personalization, live data and contextual targeting into an email to create an unbeatable customer experience. We’ll walk you through creating welcome and conversion emails, as well as an event email series that will help you create an app-like experience right in the inbox.[Download your copy now.](

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