When you boil it down to its essence, email marketing is all about sharing and influencing. We share information with customers—increasingly in the form of personalized experiences that focus on their needs—but with the goal of influencing them to make a decision, such as purchasing our product or service.So, you might say that “sharing and influencing” is part of the DNA of our industry. And that’s reflected in the amount of great content email marketing influencers share on Twitter. With all that knowledge floating around the Twittersphere, it’s hard to decide who to follow. Don’t fret. Below is a list of our top ten email marketing influencers to follow.**Chris Arrendale**CEO & Principal Deliverability Consultant, Inbox Pros Twitter username: [@Arrendale](https://twitter.com/arrendale)Chris is a consultant, speaker and writer in the areas of email deliverability, privacy, and software. He uses his Twitter feed to share insights on those topics, and others, drawn from [his company’s blog](http://inboxpros.wpengine.com/blog/) and other sources. **Spencer Kollas** VP, Global Deliverability, Experian Marketing Services Twitter username: [@SpencerKollas](https://twitter.com/spencerkollas)According to his Twitter bio, Spencer tweets “about the latest in digital marketing, email marketing, deliverability, data, strategy, and leadership,” which is exactly why it might be a good idea for you to follow him.**Loren McDonald **Email/Marketing Automation Evangelist, Silverpop[ ](http://www.silverpop.com/)Twitter username: [@LorenMcDonald](https://twitter.com/LorenMcDonald)On [his LinkedIn page](https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorenmcdonald), this industry veteran bills himself as a “frequent author, speaker and media spokesperson on email marketing trends and best practices.” You might want to follow him on Twitter for his insights not only into email marketing but also retail/ecommerce, mobile, social and marketing automation.**David Moth **Editor and Head of Social, Econsultancy[ ](http://www.econsultancy.com)Twitter username: [@DavidMoth](https://twitter.com/DavidMoth?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)David oversees the [Econsultancy blog](https://econsultancy.com/blog), which attracts 400,000 monthly visitors and gets a million monthly page views. His tweets to his more than 4,000 followers have a decidedly British, and often humorous, spin and provide insights into all aspects of digital marketing.**Bill McCloskey **Founder, Only Influencers Twitter username: [@BillMcCloskey](https://twitter.com/billmccloskey)Bill’s twitter bio says he is “called the Godfather of email marketing” and we won’t argue with that description. His company, [Only Influencers](http://www.onlyinfluencers.com/), “brings together the world’s top thought leaders and movers and shakers and hosts discussion lists, meetups, and blogs by leading email experts.” His Twitter feed is a lively source of industry info.**Alyssa Nahatis **Director of Deliverability Americas & Global Services, Adobe[ ](http://www.adobe.com)Twitter username: [@ANahatis](https://twitter.com/ANahatis)Alyssa’s Twitter feed focuses not only on email marketing, but also on the topics of deliverability, digital marketing, cross-channel strategy, customer experience and leadership. Good stuff.**Mia Papanicolaou **COO, Striata Twitter username: [@MiaPapanicolaou](https://twitter.com/MiaPapanicolaou)According to her Twitter bio, Mia is “passionate about email marketing, a fan of push communication, using data effectively, email security and document encryption.” Her Twitter feed is a great source of useful information about those topics, and others.**Kath Pay **Founder and Senior Consultant, Holistic Email Marketing Twitter username: [@kathpay](https://twitter.com/kathpay)Hailing from the UK, Kath “lives and breathes holistic email marketing and conversion-focused marketing,” says her Twitter bio. It also says “follow me for cutting-edge tactics and strategies,” which sounds like a good idea.**Dela Quist**[](https://twitter.com/DelaQuist)CEO, Alchemy Worx[ ](http://www.alchemyworx.com/)Twitter username: [@DelaQuist](https://twitter.com/DelaQuist)Dela is an email marketing pioneer, having worked in the industry since it began developing in the 1990s. His tweets often link to very relevant industry information – recent topics include resources for email marketers, subject-line writing strategies and unsubscribes.**Tom Sather **Senior Director of Research, Return Path[ ](https://returnpath.com/)Twitter username: [@tom\_sather](https://twitter.com/tom_sather)Tom’s tweets focus primarily on [email marketing and deliverability](https://twitter.com/hashtag/deliverability?src=hash). They often link back to his posts on the [Return Path blog](https://blog.returnpath.com/), to which he frequently contributes.And of course, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter [@movableink.](https://twitter.com/movableink)
Ten Email Marketing Influencers You Should Follow on Twitter