Picture this: You’ve received an email with amazing deal for an all-inclusive resort in Mexico. You could really use a vacation, and the price is too good to pass up.You click on the deal, already imagining the humblebrag-worthy Instagram photos you’ll be posting. But when website loads, your deal has already expired.What happened?!This is an all-too-common scenario in the travel industry, where prices and inventory are constantly changing.Email is the best way to drive traffic to your website. But unless your emails reflect the exact prices and inventory on your website at the moment of open, you’re bound to encounter some extremely unhappy customers.HotelTonight was faced with this exact challenge. They needed a way to automatically pull in real-time pricing and inventory from their app into their emails so they could deliver accurate, up-to-the-second deals to their customers.HotelTonight worked with [Shaw + Scott](http://shawscott.com/) along with Movable Ink to create a campaign that included live pricing and inventory. The results? A 26% lift in CVR and a vastly improved email experience.Want to see their award-winning campaign? [Download the case study](https://go.movableink.com/HotelTonight-Case-Study-Download.html).
[Case Study] How HotelTonight Lifted Conversions with Live Pricing and Inventory