[![Movable Ink Excentus Case Study](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/02190857/excentus-1024x240.png)](http://bit.ly/1qc7ERD)[Excentus](http://www.excentus.com/ "Excentus") has spent more than fifteen years developing technology that makes it easy for consumers to save money on gasoline and convenient for businesses to build loyalty by creating value for their customers. Their growing Fuel Rewards Network**®** program provides members with the opportunity to earn free gas simply by purchasing the things they normally would from more than 1,400 retail locations, nearly 700 online merchants, and 10,000+ restaurants. To date, Excentus has helped more than 25 million consumers save hundreds of millions of dollars on fuel.Coleman Easley, Email Marketing Manager at Excentus sat down with us to share how they are using Movable Ink to achieve their goals and deliver highly relevant and engaging campaigns at scale.**Movable Ink:** Why did you decide to partner with Movable Ink?**Excentus:** _We are growing fast, we have a good product, and we don’t have a big marketing team. We were looking at tools that would allow us to be more efficient. Movable Ink saves us time and increases the relevancy to every opener. Things like live creative optimization and in the moment targeting are easy with agileEMAIL vs. having to do it on our own. We saved a lot of time and improved in an area we wanted to improve in._ **MI:** How has it been working with Movable Ink so far?**E:** _Working with Movable Ink has been great so far. The Client Experience Team is always available, and quick to respond. They share ideas with us, are efficient, timely, and do great work with our team. We appreciate their help for sure._**MI:** We’ve been partnered for a few months now, what has been your favorite use of agileEMAIL so far?[![These screen shots show off the different stages of the new Excentus Welcome Series powered By agileEMAIL. ](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/02190857/Screen-Shot-2014-11-10-at-4.31.21-PM-223x300.png)](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/02190857/Screen-Shot-2014-11-10-at-4.31.21-PM.png)These screen shots show off the different stages of the new Excentus Welcome Series powered By agileEMAIL.**E:** _One of our favorites was one of the first things we implemented with Movable Ink._ _We had low_ _participation in our Fuel Rewards Network**®** program across_ _the member lifecycle. After digging in we attributed it to a lack of understanding of how the program works; after all it’s free gas, it should market itself. In April, we changed our “all at once and good luck” welcome email to a new series utilizing agileEMAIL to power five focused, digestible, highly personalized emails that educate members and reward their participation in the Fuel Rewards Network**®** program. It worked. Fuel Rewards earned in the first month increased 94%, and another 68% in the next month! The success of the welcome series showed we needed to expand our use of agileEMAIL to other programs too._**MI:** That’s a great! The end result improved, but how did it impact subscriber traffic?**E:** _We classify our traffic into two buckets. The first is “low value” traffic which lands on content that isn’t likely to drive a conversion. The second is “high value” which is traffic that lands on content that is likely to drive a conversion. With Movable Ink, we can localize and personalize message content for every member when they open an email instead of trying to do it before we send. Now we can show nearby locations where members can earn rewards and alter the message content and calls to action based on the device they used and rewards available to them. These capabilities helped increase high value traffic by 21% and our click-through rate by 24%_.**MI:** What are your future plans for agileEMAIL?**E_:_** _Right now we are generally sending out one size fits all campaigns. Over the next_ _six months, we are going to incorporate agileEMAIL into other campaigns, especially win-back emails to wake up dormant members. We need to get to a more 1:1 relationship with our members. Customizing the communications over the customer journey is a big deal and we plan on using agileEMAIL to help us achieve that._**MI:** Thank you for your time Coleman!Click here to download the full [Excentus Case Study](http://bit.ly/1yEdXo0 "Case Study: How Excentus Pumped Up Customer Loyalty"). For more information, please contact us at [contact@movableink.com](mailto:contact@movableink.com).