[eBook] The Email Marketer’s Holiday 2016 Playbook

Kristen Dunleavy


September 22, 2016

These days, personalized content isn’t enough. If you really want to stand out in the inbox and get real results with your email strategy, you need to get contextual. And the holiday season is the best time to do just that.In our newest eBook, [The Email Marketer’s Holiday 2016 Playbook](http://go.movableink.com/Email-Marketers-Holiday-2016-Playbook.html), we’ll show you how to combine contextual email tactics with your holiday campaigns. You discover how to use weather and location targeting to promote relevant products, cross-sell based on your customer’s behavior, use live-polling to gather holiday shopping intel and even how to a successful charitable campaign that boosts engagement.We even included a holiday planning calendar to help you identify key dates so you can better plan your holiday campaign.What are you waiting for? [Download your holiday playbook now](http://go.movableink.com/Email-Marketers-Holiday-2016-Playbook.html)!

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