Mobile Marketing

Recap: Mobile Personalization Crash Course

Shannon Cook


April 27, 2023

Why Mobile?

Mobile apps are the digital center of customer experiences. Whether at the store or in the comfort of home, customers are engaged with mobile apps because they enhance brand experiences in a way that websites and emails can’t accomplish alone. Because of the unique value they create, mobile gains double the interaction of any other channel.

Mobile users are the most valuable customers, as they generate 3.5x more revenue than non-app shoppers. This makes it imperative to increase their lifetime value, and the way to do that is through personalization—the factor that directly correlates with increased revenue within apps.

The bottom line is that brands focused on a sophisticated mobile app experience see increases in revenue, number of purchases, and customer growth north of 50%. In this recap of Movable Ink’s Mobile Personalization Crash Course, get a snapshot on how to optimize the channel that’s critical to marketing success.

How To Get Started With Mobile Marketing

When it comes to mobile marketing, the first thing to consider is the customer lifecycle for your app. This includes new users’ first touch, fostering brand advocates and every step in between. Without considering how to nurture customers through each phrase, app strategies built for later stages will be wasted.

With this in mind, brands need to begin their mobile marketing strategy by first solving the channel’s most common challenge: moving customers beyond activation—downloading and using the app occasionally—to engagement, where they truly understand the value of your app. Without this progression, retention rates will waver as customers quickly lose interest.

To overcome this roadblock, marketers need to use their mobile app as a relationship-builder, not just another promotional channel. Creating personalized experiences is critical in this effort so that brands can build lasting connections and reward customers every time they engage.

Using integrations like Airship and Movable Ink can automate personalized experiences to delight customers every step of the way, along with giving marketers greater insights into existing journeys and how they can optimize them for future campaigns.

Your mobile marketing is about to take off

Watch the full webinar in the on-demand recording.

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How To Level Up With Mobile App Personalization

When it comes to creating a mobile app experience that’s a cut above the rest, there are three main obstacles that trouble marketers:

  • Achieving 1:1 personalization that’s geared towards customers’ unique situations. Without it, mobile marketing becomes irritating, with 77% of consumers deeming their mobile notifications as annoying.
  • Creating a true omni-channel experience across all customer touchpoints. Currently, only 7% of brands can create seamless experiences across email and mobile. This means that the majority of marketers are relying on siloed data that results in inconsistent customer experiences.
  • Minimizing manual effort is marketers’ perennial challenge, even if they have their ducks in a row when it comes to personalization across every touchpoint. With the average piece of content requiring 1-6 hours to create, marketers simply don’t have enough bandwidth to take their campaigns to the next level.

Without automated omni-channel content personalization, marketers are hard-pressed to enhance their current mobile strategies. Marketers need bullet-proof solutions that ensure their customers are receiving data-driven, sophisticated mobile campaigns that drive lifetime loyalty.

Luckily, with the right tools—such as Movable Ink’s enhanced mobile suite—marketers can easily unify the customer journey and streamline the path to purchase by removing unnecessary clicks and redirects, as well as personalize the experience at every content touchpoint.

See Mobile Marketing In Action

Welcome Series optimized for mobile

Start off the customer-brand relationship on the right foot with a welcome series that engages them every step of the way. From product tours to enrolling in the loyalty program, customers are consistently nudged to engage and commit further with the brand.

At each of these touchpoints, marketers can use data-driven content personalization tools to capture customer attention. Welcome offers can feel generic otherwise, so it’s crucial to speak to each customer as an individual during those early stages of the relationship.

Tactics you can use include piping in zero- and first-party data from past behaviors—via app or from the web—or contextual information like location and weather. Additionally, using each of these touchpoints as an opportunity to educate the customer about your brand will be helpful in reinforcing future loyalty.

Boost Your Mobile App Personalization

Consumers have spoken and they are ready to engage more than ever with your mobile app, especially if personalization is central to every campaign. Boost your mobile marketing masterplan with a tech stack that activates these tactics across every touchpoint.