Digital Marketing

Three-Year Vision: How A Successful Omni-Channel Personalization Strategy Is Born

Noah Levine


March 23, 2022

There are two types of marketing campaigns: one tells a vivid, compelling story and the other does not. The first is proactive, aware of customer needs, and offers personalized communication at every digital touchpoint. The second is reactive, happy to sit back and wait until scheduled messaging is sent while unattuned to its customer behaviors.

Where did the latter take a wrong turn?

Most likely with a jumbled or nonexistent strategy. To ensure workflow ease and efficiency, marketers must keep their focus on a campaign strategy that yields successful results. Nevertheless, it takes time to nail down a plan that works. A three-year strategy for marketing success promises sophisticated campaigns that drive customer loyalty, engagement, and ROI.

In a marketing strategy survey done by CoSchedule, top marketers across industries who prioritized project management in their programs were 252% more likely to report success than those who didn’t. Setting goals, testing proactively, and documenting each step of the way turns a dull, lackluster campaign into one with gumption.

What embodies a striking marketing campaign? AI powered personalization and omni-channel consistency. It’s the marketer's job to showcase data in a way that is appealing to the customer by fitting with their individual needs, wherever they are. A streamlined strategy makes this simple to achieve.

Strategy execution is a two-way street between brand and customer. It’s not enough to send creative campaigns to a customer’s inbox or mobile device and call it a day with the hopes of making a conversion. Marketing communications should not be a one-and-done transaction; they’re meant to be continuous. With each delivered campaign, the marketer becomes an expert in their customers’ behaviors, likes, and dislikes. In return, tailored messaging becomes a consumer expectation.

A three-year marketing strategy allows brands to look at the big picture while maintaining a keen eye for detail. Most importantly, this time leaves room for trial and error. The best way for marketers to achieve AI powered personalization at scale? By creating goals, documenting their processes, and testing consistently.

Here’s a deeper look into how to achieve a showstopping three-year marketing strategy:

The Long-Term Vision: Create Goals That Stick

Producing a three-year strategy might sound like an overwhelming venture. That being said, it’s best if major initiatives are prioritized during the goal-making process. When marketers set their intentions high on brand success, anything is possible.

A deep-rooted vision is needed to create direct, short-term goals. Ambition often leads to achievement, making long-term goals the steppingstone to a powerful marketing strategy. Here are a few examples of what these can look like:

  • Create value at all digital touchpoints by expanding to an omni-channel marketing strategy.
  • Automate all email and mobile campaigns to achieve a more personalized and streamlined customer experience.
  • Increase customer loyalty and retention by 100%.

Once the marketer identifies their overarching campaign goals, documenting the process it takes to achieve them is crucial. Through this, marketers will find smaller, more detail-oriented goals that will support their larger, at-scale ones.

Document Wins and Losses: Learn from Experience

When challenges are recognized, it makes it easier to avoid them in the future. In the same fashion, when a team experiences a major win, they’ll want to use that knowledge to create something even more successful. This is why keeping track of wins and losses is critical to marketing growth.

For example, a fitness brand decided to integrate an appointment scheduling API with their most recent omni-channel campaign. Locating this data, and using it to its greatest potential proved to increase appointment sign-ups and conversion rates. The marketing team opted to make the appointment scheduler campaign an evergreen module that lives at the bottom of all emails, and a trigger push notification that is sent if the customer had not scheduled a class in the past month.

Because of the API integration’s success, the fitness brand made a decision that would save production time and lead to higher engagement across marketing channels.

Success starts with a powerful strategy.

Movable Ink's Best-in-Class Personalization eBook showcases how a great strategy can turn into engaging marketing across email and mobile channels.

Download the eBook

Consistent A/B Testing: Grow Sophistication

A/B testing can do no wrong. When a marketer is given the opportunity to test a successful campaign against an idea that could be even more rewarding, they should take it — starting at day one of the strategizing phase, continuing onward.

For instance, a retail brand launched an abandoned cart banner campaign for the first time and noticed that engagement was lower than expected. The marketing team was uncertain as to why most customers weren’t navigating back to their carts. They decided to add a product image to the banner and test it against the original. Engagement increased but was still not reaching the desired goal. They decided to test again. This time, the abandoned cart banner with the product image was sent along with a module including recently browsed items. Conversion rates and engagement began to skyrocket.

Through this process, the retail brand realized that using behavioral data to its full extent created the personalized experience their customers craved.

How To Approach a Three-Year Strategy at a Quick Glance

  • Year 1: Scale Content Personalization— Influence and enhance marketing communications by building a relationship with the customer. Focus on behavioral data and AI tools to increase customer loyalty and retention.
  • Year 2: Channel Expansion— Extend digital touchpoints to ensure the customer is reached wherever they are, at moments that are most convenient to their journey.
  • Year 3: Advanced Data Activation— Reimagine how customers interact, engage, and transact with personalized campaigns and take marketing communications to the next level.

Strategies shift and evolve depending on a brand’s needs. There’s no one way to get it right. That being said, gaining a clear understanding of what those needs are during the three-year strategizing process through goal setting, documenting, and testing will get any brand on the train to success.

Interested in seeing the results of a powerful marketing strategy? Download Movable Ink’s Best-In-Class Personalization eBook.