PAR Punchh

Punchh is a loyalty and customer engagement platform for restaurants and C-stores. The Movable Ink and Punchh integration enables Marketers to leverage Punchh customer data, such as loyalty program insights, to build relevant one-to-one personalized content in Studio to use across customer touchpoints.

Users can identify their most loyal customers, create targeted campaigns that offer exclusive rewards and promotions, and incentivize customers to sign up and participate in loyalty programs. Together, Movable Ink and Punchh help brands increase customer retention, loyalty, and marketing ROI.

Key Features

  • Leverage loyalty program insights to create targeted campaigns that are more likely to resonate with customers and drive conversions.
  • Deliver targeted offers and promotions based on a customers loyalty status and preferences to keep customers engaged with their loyalty program.
  • Seamlessly create personalized and ‘evergreen’ content based on loyalty data and strategies that can be reused across multiple customer touch points.


