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“No Brainer Day” and Six More Obscure Winter Holidays You Should Know About

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Valentine’s Day – a huge day for many marketers – is upon us and we have every confidence that you will make the most of it. Unfortunately, so will everyone else. If you want to stand out, why not create some content based on a (much) lesser-known holiday? You won’t break any hearts by giving it a shot. Here, for your consideration, are seven little-known, odd or downright baffling holidays that are celebrated later this month and throughout March.

 1. Singles Awareness Day – February 15Valentine’s Day is February 14, as we all know. But did you know what the following day is? Now you do. “Singles Awareness Day is not about self-pity but rather a chance to announce to the world that you are single and happy,” according to Days of the Year. This special day provides an opportunity for you to target your messaging to everyone who didn’t receive flowers or candy on V-Day and may be in need of a little retail therapy.

2. Random Acts of Kindness Day – February 17This holiday is all about doing something that’s unexpected and good. For marketers, that could mean launching a one-day sale or linking purchases to a corporate donation to a worthy cause. Or perhaps make shipping free – just because. Whatever you do in the spirit of this day is likely to resonate very well with customers.

3. Be Humble Day February 22Humility is not a trait anyone ordinarily associates with marketing. But it’s OK for marketers to be humble on this day – in fact, it’s encouraged. Start by toning down the superlatives, perhaps like this: “Today, on Be Humble Day, we don’t feel right about bragging about our product. So we won’t. Take advantage of this no-risk offer to find out for yourself.” Alternative: Offer an incentive for customers who share their favorite humblebrags with you.

4. No Brainer Day – February 27This holiday was created to remind us that most things are simple and that many of the problems we encounter have obvious and easy solutions. Since consumers are always seeking products that do something faster, better, or less expensively for them, it should be – pardon us – a no brainer for marketers to create great content around this holiday.

5. Panic Day March 9“Panic Day is the day to recognize how stressful life has become and see what can be done to minimize the effects,” says Days of the Year. “Stress is dangerous to your health. Stress can bring on illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.” So, marketers: Why not use Panic Day to promote your products that help your customers relax and avoid all those nasty side effects of stress?

6. National Pi Day – March 14Pi Day is probably the least-obscure holiday on this list, and judging by the marketing emails we see, it gets more traction every year. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to find a creative angle for using it. After all, it’s a very cool occasion, being that it’s the only holiday that celebrates a mathematical concept that is also a homophone for a dessert. It also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday. Nerd out and go for it!

7. Make Up Your Own Holiday Day – March 26
This one is our favorite because literally, anything goes. You can come up with ideas yourself – a holiday that reflects well on your wonderful company would be logical – or ask your customers to share how they plan to make it a special day.

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