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Movable Ink

The Most Important Thing to Optimize in Email Marketing

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Subject lines. Time of day. Mobile Calls-to-action. Colors, layout, headers, columns. If you’re an email marketer, this is a pretty standard optimization laundry list. There’s always something that can be improved and optimization is a perpetual process, not a goal.

That said, many email marketers seem to be forgetting one of the most important things to optimize in their email campaigns. In 2015, it might be the most important thing: content.

Despite the hype surrounding content marketing, few brands seem willing to venture into uncharted territory and create compelling content within their emails. But as inboxes keep overflowing and personalization becomes a prerequisite for an open, email marketers are in the perfect position to start optimizing content as well.

Here are three different content strategies you can try when optimizing your campaign:

  1. The Magazine

B2C brands like GoPro and Redbull are on the cutting-edge of content marketing as they create full-blown media experiences for customers.

You might not have the same marketing budget as these brands, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. Interview an interesting customer, offer some tips that your audience might find useful, and focus on a pressing pain point or issue that’s on your average customer’s mind.

Then, mock up a magazine cover and make it an experience. By presenting the content as something premium, customers are more likely to get interested in reading it (especially if you target this content by personas).

  1. The Curation Engine

If you really know what interests your audience, try gathering three articles a week and emailing it to them. The more personalized the content, the better. Make these emails totally content-driven, rather than sales-driven, and include your own thoughts on the developments you’ve included.

When customers feel that you’re offering them something valuable every week, they’ll look for your email and, consequently, open and click in much higher numbers.

  1. The Multimedia Experience

Want to really make your email content pop? Try using multimedia content to spice things up. Including photos or GIFs within the email can create a much more compelling experience than just text.

When it comes to visual content, don’t only think about products. Include behind-the-scenes office photos, interesting pictures from your industry, and shots of your product in action.

Optimum Content = Click-Throughs

Marketers are always trying to increase their click-through rates. With creative and entertaining content, you can do just that – and keep customers coming back for more every time they find a new email from your brand in their inbox.

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