Data and Technology

How StubHub Uses Omni-Channel Experiences to Drive Loyalty with Braze and Movable Ink


February 9, 2022

Modern consumers crave connection with their favorite brands. With the average American having access to more than ten smart devices in their household, it’s now more important than ever for marketers to create a streamlined omni-channel presence to achieve maximum brand awareness. There’s no question that marketers need a digital-first strategy to increase customer engagement and loyalty.

At Movable Ink’s 2021 (Re)Think conference, Braze’s Customer Engagement Evangelist Magith Noohukhan spoke with StubHub’s former Head of CRM and Customer Data Chris Lanzafame about how to drive customer loyalty and retention by using actionable data. The discussion focused on how marketers can consolidate and package mountains of data in a way that is relevant and personalized to consumer preferences.

But the question is — how do marketers create meaningful omni-channel messaging with the data at their fingertips?

Braze + Movable Ink

Braze and Movable Ink work closely together to send personalized content to the right channel at the right time through email, in-app messaging, push notifications, SMS, and beyond.

The following questions were posed during this (Re)Think session for marketers to think about their omni-channel approach:

  • Identify the message your brand is trying to get across. What is the best way to display that message?
  • When and where do consumers want to see these messages?
  • Identify how consumers are already engaging with your brand. What are the noticeable themes?

By asking the above questions, StubHub made consumer-centered decisions for their digital strategy. For example, if there is a quick message such as a new concert being announced, a push notification or SMS may be the most engaging channel to use. However, for COVID-19 protocol, the StubHub team turned to their email program to keep consumers aware of ever-changing restrictions. When Braze’s functionality is paired with Movable Ink, data can be activated to create the most individualized customer experience.

For StubHub, implementing data most effectively meant following the customer’s journey and targeting content from there. This was done in many ways, such as sending live pricing via push notification or displaying the most recently announced concerts within an email based on the customer’s past ticket purchases.

Chris's Omni-Channel Best Practices

  1. Testing + Experimentation—Because there are so many variations of data, testing what works and what doesn’t is crucial, especially when multiple channels are involved. Understanding the biggest impacts for each channel allows marketers to move in the right direction. Additionally, having a good reporting system to test strategy allows brands to evolve from the results, setting them up for success to bring lifetime value to customers.
  2. Loyalty + Retention—Use behavioral data to predict a customer’s next move. If a customer hasn’t made a purchase in a while, find ways to re-engage. Customers typically have an understanding of what they are looking for when they start browsing; keep them interested by displaying relevant content based on their behavior.

For more (Re)Think presentations, visit Movable Ink’s 2021 agenda for on-demand talks from some of your favorite consumer brands.