[Case Study] The British Heart Foundation

Kristen Dunleavy


February 2, 2017

[The British Heart Foundation](https://movableink.com/blog/how-the-british-heart-foundation-lifted-email-engagement-with-live-polling/) is a UK-based charity organization that helps fund research for cardiovascular disease. To build community and make fundraising fun, they host MyMarathon, a self-paced marathon that can take place anywhere over the course of one month.They needed an effective way to drive additional donations and MyMarathon sign ups. Specifically, they aimed to raise £433,000 and achieve 13,000 sign ups.Using live and progressive polling, they were able to serve their MyMarathoners highly-personalized content based on poll answers.As a result, they raised over £750,000, an 80% increase of the target, and 21,000 participants signed up.Want to see the email that drove those incredible results? [Download the case study now](http://bit.ly/2ktB3z1).

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