AI Personalization

AI Fact or Fiction? | 5 AI Myths Dispelled

Erica Dingman


August 30, 2023

AI for Marketing: Fact or Fiction?

AI is here, and marketers everywhere are hopping on the bandwagon in hopes the tool will revolutionize their messaging strategy. And customers? Half of them are just as excited, while the others remain overly cautious.

Let’s turn it to you, marketer—how much do you really understand AI? Do you know which of its promises are just hype, and which features are actually rock-solid?

It’s crucial for marketers to understand the difference between AI facts and fiction. In this blog, cut through the noise and learn the truth behind five of the most common AI myths.

Myth 1: AI is 100% Objective

When you think of algorithms, code, and technological tools, it would be natural to equate them with objectivity. After all, these are machines without emotions or personal motivations.

However, that’s not the case with AI. Every AI model is trained using data created by humans, who definitely have biases coloring their view. While in some cases this can make a negligible difference, some datasets can cause major repercussions for brand integrity.

As a result, marketers need to play an active part in ensuring objectivity. Here are some quick examples of how you can supplement your AI’s output:

  • Include diverse datasets. If the inputted data is more balanced, the AI’s output will also be more objective.
  • Use more than one type of AI solution. Generative AI is the most well-known form of AI, but be sure to activate various forms of AI instead of relying on a single solution. Multiple sources work to check and balance each other.
  • Look beyond open-source AI. Open-source AI is arguably the most liable to bias, as it’s subject to unreliable inputs. Opt for an AI solution that uses data you know is reliable—like your own sources of customer data.

Myth 2: AI is All You Need for Optimized Results

AI is an invaluable tool for marketers, but it’s not an all-in-one solution. While AI excels in boosting productivity, analyzing data, and “banishing the blank”—generating a rough draft to give marketers a head start—those results are not enough to stand out with customers.

Marketers still need to leverage their creative brainpower for optimized messaging. You need the dynamic duo of marketer and machine for truly magical results — where the marketers create strategies, define logic and rules, and refine AI outputs.

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Myth 3: AI is a New Technology

While AI with the sophistication of ChatGPT may be new to the scene, chances are you’ve been using AI as a marketer for years.

Chatbots? AI. Any speech recognition or translation tool? AI. That Roomba vacuuming your floor? AI.

As a marketer, being on top of the trends and quick to market is a constant pressure. But ignoring the hype and realizing AI isn’t new, just more sophisticated, can offer some reassurance. AI is not as foreign  to you as you think, making it easier to adopt into your marketing workflow.

Myth 4: AI is a Threat to Security and Privacy

There’s a belief that privacy, security, and AI are at loggerheads. But just like any other technology, the tool isn’t the problem. It’s all in how you use it.

Let’s go back to a few years ago when the same topic of data and privacy was prevalent due to Apple MPP and GDPR. Consumers wanted to regain data privacy, and were rightly concerned about businesses’ data collection practices.

But data collection wasn't the problem. After all, personalized marketing campaigns are still in full force today. The issue was when data was gathered without permission or knowledge. That’s why today’s most engaging campaigns are still data-driven, but only use first-hand data that customers knowingly exchange for a better marketing experience.

The same situation applies to AI. Like any tool, it can be used positively or negatively. It’s our job as marketers to use AI transparently and responsibly — the same as any other tool.

Myth 5: AI Replaces Marketers

Perhaps the most prevalent myth of them all is that AI is here to replace us. While the efficiency of AI is celebrated, it also leaves many uneasy—are their jobs going to be taken by AI?

But in the same way that AI can’t produce “magical” results, the tool has clear shortcomings that can only be filled by, well, us. AI is efficient, but it can never be empathetic. AI is fast, but humans are far more strategic. AI has tunnel vision, and humans can see the whole picture for their business.

AI isn’t replacing us any time soon. The important next step for marketers is to learn how to harness it for supercharged results.

You've Solved the AI Puzzle

With a clear understanding of what AI can really do, you’ll be set up for success with AI powered personalization in your marketing campaigns. To discover how to activate your AI solution, check out the related resources below.