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Movable Ink

How IGT Reduced Email Production Time by 80%

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IGT’s DoubleDown Casino, an online and mobile social casino, has one main marketing strategy: surprise and delight their customer. And to reach customers, the business often relies on email marketing campaigns.

That often proved to be a long and arduous process. Emails had to be designed and coded by hand. But, by using Movable Ink’s workflow tools, DoubleDown Interactive was able to cut email production time from 7-10 business days to just 1 – 2 business days – a reduction of about 80%.

Here’s how DoubleDown Interactive revolutionized the email production process and what the company does with all the hours that have been freed up:

Email Workflow: Before and After

Before using Movable Ink, DoubleDown Interactive had a standard workflow when it came to designing emails: the team created separate designs for desktop and mobile versions and each version was hand-coded.

That was time-consuming for everyone involved. But, according to Rhiannon Sayce, Sr Email and Push Marketing Manager at DoubleDown Interactive, Movable Ink changed all of that.

“The workflow tools really changed our process,” Sayce explains. “Before, to get an email from a PSD or JPG, it would take 7-10 business days. With Movable Ink, I could get an email design on Wednesday and launch it by Friday. “

DoubleDown Interactive has used Movable Ink’s device detection technology to create responsive emails as well. When customers open mobile acquisition emails on mobile devices, the emails offer the apps for that device – so iPhone users are directed to the App Store and Android users are directed to Google Play.

An example of a device-targeted email from DoubleDown.

The Evolution of the A/B Test

Movable Ink also helped DoubleDown Interactive take A/B email testing to the next level by offering real-time, multivariate capabilities.

“Before Movable Ink, we only A/B tested our biggest promotions, because it was so time-consuming,” Sayce says. “Now, we can do live A/B testing and check on how different elements are performing.”

For DoubleDown Interective, that can mean getting pretty granular – the company has started testing different elements in emails to see if a blue button converts better than a green button and whether time of day has an effect on colors and clicks.

The Future

Aside from A/B testing and workflow tools, DoubleDown Interactive is planning to create dynamic, personalized greeting cards, helping build customer relationships through different email campaigns.

By reducing email production time by around 80%, Sayce and the rest of the team have been able to experiment and optimize in new and exciting ways.

Every step of the way, Sayce says, Movable Ink’s account team has helped the brand move forward.

“Movable Ink really has the best account management team – they will come up with new ideas and strategies and we can work together to make sure that we’re sending the best possible emails to customers.”

Want to learn more about how Movable Ink can help with design workflow? Watch our video, “How to Design a Responsive Email” or get started on designing responsive emails by downloading our new guide, “10 Quick Design Hacks for Responsive Emails.”

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