3 New Kinds of Enterprise Email Marketing Strategies

Blaise Lucey


March 25, 2015

![enterpriseemailmarketingstrategies](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/25143409/enterpriseemailmarketingstrategies.jpg)When you’re sending millions of emails a month, you rarely have time to take a step back and think about how your enterprise email marketing strategy could be improved. Just about everyone gets emails from big brands and knows what to expect – sales, sales, and more sales.But how can you make those sales more relevant? And how are brands starting to think more strategically about things like content and customer context?In a mobile world, it’s imperative to take into account what the customer is doing in the moment – and your email content has to reflect that. Here are three new kinds of enterprise email marketing strategies that companies are employing to create more contextually relevant emails:**1\. Weather-Targeted Content Marketing** **[![Weather-targeted email content](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/25143409/EmailMarketingPersonalization3-120x300.png)](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/25143409/EmailMarketingPersonalization3.png)** AutoTrader is the UK’s largest digital automotive marketplace. It’s a top destination for people looking to buy and sell cars, as well as car dealers that want to advertise to AutoTrader’s audience.Email is a critical channel for AutoTrader, but it’s not necessarily a place where a car company can offer a one-click sales offer. Instead, AutoTrader uses compelling content to keep in touch and provide value to prospects and customers.To make sure that the email is as relevant as possible, AutoTrader creates different content for different weather conditions – and then ensures that the content will change according to a customer’s current context.These kinds of weather-targeted emails have increased AutoTrader’s click-through rate by 93%.**2\. Geo-Targeted Emails for Local Destinations**![](http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbfephbY371qgvrl6.png)Geo-targeted emails are extremely valuable for retail businesses that are hoping to drive email subscribers to store locations.By [combining real-time inventory information with geo-targeting emails](https://movableink.com/blog/enterprise-real-time-inventory), brands can create an experience that shows exactly what products customers can expect when they step foot in the store.Meanwhile, financial companies have been using [geo-targeting in emails](https://movableink.com/blog/geo-targeting-email) to show customers the closest locations they can redeem rewards. **3\. Email Personalization for Every Device** [![Device targeting mobile emails](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/25143409/bestwesternemails-1-239x300.png)](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/25143409/bestwesternemails-1.png)[Email personalization](https://movableink.com/blog/steps-email-personalization) isn’t as hard as people tend to think. While companies have created some baseline personalization techniques, many have yet to start using device targeting to personalize the mobile experience for every customer.This can make a big difference. If you ensure that an email, when opened on a mobile device, points to the right app store and prominently displays a “Download App” button, you can drive far higher app downloads.Just ask Best Western – by using email personalization and device targeting across 20 million monthly emails, the hotel chain saw email revenue grow by 20% and app downloads increase by 143%.**The Context of Email Content** With the majority of [emails being opened on mobile devices](https://movableink.com/blog/mobile-email-research), marketers have to assume that many campaigns are getting viewed as customers are doing something else – watching TV, waiting in line, maybe even while they’re eating dinner or at a party.The more contextually relevant the content, the more likely customers are to engage with the email, remember the brand, and make a purchase.**_So how can you get started with contextually relevant emails? And what goes into building a contextual marketing engine? Download “_**[**_Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Contextual Marketing_**](http://bit.ly/1Gof15u)**_” to find out!_****_[![Contextual Marketing eBook](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/06175703/blog_contextual_marketing-300x136.png)](http://bit.ly/1Gof15u)In our eBook, you’ll learn:_*** **_How brands like Starbucks & Uber have built contextual marketing engines_*** **_The different elements of context_*** **_What you need (and don’t need) to get started with contextual marketing_** [![Download!](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/09160324/Download_Button.png)](http://bit.ly/1Gof15u)

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