Emails We Love: Bass Pro Shops #REELTHANKS

Ronnie Brant


July 3, 2014

[![Tweet #REELTHANKS](]( "Bass Pro Shops #REELTHANKS Campaign")Through July 4, 2014, Bass Pro Shops is running an integrated digital campaign to increase social engagement and give back to the community through AMVETS. Dalie Hand and Ashley Sims from Bass Pro Shops sat down with us to share how the #REELTHANKS campaign is going so far, and what their goals were from the initiative.Movable Ink: Can you tell us about the #REELTHANKS campaign and what your goals were from it?Bass Pro Shops: Our customers are patriotic and we are a patriotic company. We wanted to do something that would engage them with our brand across channels and give back to the community at the same time. So we came up with an idea to partner with [AMVETS](, an organization that works with American Military Veterans, to leverage our email and social media properties to do it. This campaign gives our customers the chance to to say thank you to American Veterans by tweeting [#REELTHANKS]( "#REELTHANKS on Twitter") or by sharing through [Bass Pro Shops Facebook]( "Bass Pro Shops Facebook Page") page. For every 10 tweets or Facebook shares, we’ll donate one rod and reel combo to AMVETS. In total, we expect to donate 1,000 combos by the 4th of july through the #REELTHANKS campaign.MI: That’s inspiring! How has agileEMAIL helped you achieve your goal for #REELTHANKS?BPS: We used Movable Ink to stream live social feeds into the message that utilized the #REELTHANKS hash tag. Furthermore, we deep-linked pre-populated tweets so with one click our subscriber could tweet and participate. So far, the email is responsible for 50% of the campaign’s overall engagement and success![![BassProMessage](]( Wonderful! Given its success, do you have future plans for cross-channel promotions?BPS: We are going to use Movable Ink to launch instagram sweepstakes and to further promote our social properties. We have gotten good responses to streaming hash tags in email and will do more promotions with that capability too.MI: Thank you Dalie and Ashley! To participate in #REELTHANKS, tweet #REELTHANKS or share it from Bass Pro Shops Facebook page through July 4, 2014. You can follow Bass Pro Shops on twitter @Bass\_Pro\_Shops.

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