Want Better Email Engagement? Start Emailing More.

Katrina Mcewan


July 27, 2015

Email personalization is one of the most important things today. If you send people campaigns that aren’t relevant to what they want at that moment, there’s a good chance they’ll delete your email – and either unsubscribe or just never open future emails again.In general, marketers have been wary of sending too many emails every week. More targeting means better return. But does more frequency mean more unsubscribes?Return Path recently ran a study to find out. The brand analyzed more than 600,000 email account holders and discovered that, if you target the right subscribers, you could increase email opens by as much as 43%.**Spamming Like It’s 1999**No one wants to get categorized as spam. That damages overall email deliverability and risks permanently ruining your relationship with your customers. But marketers might be overly cautious, too. With new innovations like personalization and Gmail’s Promotions tab, email inboxes are a far cleaner, more trustworthy place than back in the day when email marketing began.The people most loyal to the brand (and the brand’s emails) may also be interested in engaging on a more frequent basis. Return Path’s research showed that account holders that send three weekly emails instead of two to the top 24% of email recipients (“primary subscribers”) who account for 83% of opens, there’s increased revenue and increased opens.That said, this means segmenting based on email open rates. “Secondary subscribers” made up 65% of users, but only 16% of reads.“With the secondary group, you have to measure the value of the types of emails you’re sending them,” Tom Sather, senior director of research at Return Path, told Direct Marketing News. “You may want to look at their activity beyond mere click-through. What are they looking at on your website when they get there?”**Experiments in Frequency**What this research really shows is that marketers need to rethink every step when optimizing email campaigns. If you increase email send volume by about 33%, you can’t necessarily send the same email campaigns over and over. Instead, you need to focus on content.Sather said as much. As long as people are already “fans of your products,” then they won’t always be looking for sales. Instead, create content in your emails that is engaging and relevant to their interests.By experimenting not only with frequency but with content and targeting, companies can increase opens and revenue while building better relationships with customers._**[![API Integrations for Email Campaigns](https://s3.amazonaws.com/movableink-blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/30150652/Screen-Shot-2015-06-30-at-10.41.18-AM-300x167.png)](http://bit.ly/1BDskOs)Building engaging emails means making them interactive and seamless, too. In our eBook, “7 Ways to Use API Integrations In Your Email Campaigns,” we show how Dunkin’ Donuts uses API integrations to pull in Instagram photos and tweets into emails, how EZLinks used the technology to offer real-time reservations for golf courses across the country, and more.**_**[Download the eBook today!](http://bit.ly/1BDskOs)**