New Research Shows iPad Beats Android for Email Opens

Brooke Burdge

**![Movable Ink US Consumer Device Preference Report: Q3 2013]( dominates when it comes to brand marketing email opens on tablets, according to Movable Ink’s latest research, the _US Consumer Device Preference Report: Q3 2013_.** The data reveals that despite the nearly equal market share between the two, consumers are 15 times more likely to open brand emails on an iPad than on an Android tablet.“This quarter’s report shows that tablets are gaining momentum, quickly becoming a primary driver of email marketing interactions,” said Vivek Sharma, Co-Founder and CEO of Movable Ink.The report, based on aggregate email open data from over 100 enterprise B2C brands, offers critical insights into the current email marketing landscape:* The growing role that tablets are playing in the mobile shift* The latest in the battle between iOS and Android* Differences in email engagement across smartphones, desktops, and tablets* Geographic variances in smartphone adoptionDuring the third quarter of 2013, 61% of emails were opened on either a smartphone or tablet device.