Monday Catch-up: Mobile Engagement, Stepping Up Your Game & Prioritizing Email

Amy Mullen

Welcome to another Monday! To help you ease into it, we’ve snagged a few interesting items from the email-marketing newsiverse just for you. Enjoy and have a great week!**Personalization a key to mobile engagement**“As mobile becomes the go-to destination for emails, marketers are competing against more messages on a smaller screen,” [writes Jenna Tiffany at](, who adds that “consumers crave an optimum mobile experience, anything less will turn them off your brand and direct them to competitors with a more mobile-friendly proposition.” Personalization is particularly important when it comes to success on mobile devices, she writes. “Consumers expect a tailored approach that goes beyond the first name – especially on mobile with smartphones centered on being the answer to all your personal needs and wants.” She also cites speed and usability as equally critical imperatives for marketers wanting to capitalize on mobile’s potential.**How to step up your email marketing game for the second half of 2016 **The logic is pretty straightforward: since people overwhelmingly welcome promotional emails, it makes sense for email marketers to capitalize on all those welcoming inboxes and make their messages as engaging as possible. [Caitlin Burgess, writing on The Top Rank Marketing blog](, who cites research that shows an astonishing 91 percent of Americans want to receive promo messages, offers seven suggestions for email marketers who want step up their game on behalf of a successful second half of the year. They include focusing on mobile, adding personalization features and incorporating dynamic and interactive content in messages. **Email marketing remains a top priority for marketers**[Recently released survey results]( indicate that email marketing is going to remain a top priority for businesses this year. The survey of 3550 marketers and developers conducted last fall found that 86.7 percent of respondents intend to increase email marketing budgets in 2016. Of those who identified as marketers, 91.2 percent are willing to spend more time on email marketing in the coming year. Improving email content and providing contextually relevant email experiences were cited almost equally by about one-third of all respondents as their number-one goal.